
Friday, March 30, 2007

Review: Flight Vol. 3

Flight, Vol. 3 by Various

Flight is the ultimate graphic novel meets fantasy anthology. Filled with several comic “short stories,” every reader is bound to find something to their liking. Read about a brave fox who confronts a vicious subterranean monster in “Underworld,” a cat who gets his comeuppance for terrorizing birds in “Hunter” and a mischievous cloud who gets overruled by his elders in the justly titled “The Cloud.”

Not only do the storylines differ, but there is a wide range of artistic styles from the traditional, to soft watercolors, to illustrations that look like they created with colored pencils. Many of the stories also contain limited or nonexistent text, letting readers delight in the simple art of the story. A great introduction into the world of comics/graphic novels, you’ll love this one!

Shady Glade Rating: 10/10!

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Harry Potter Cover Art

The cover art for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)has been released:

Here's the whole cover (it will be wrapped around the book):

So what do you think? Personally I really like the fact we finally have a bit of color back in the cover. I can't wait to read the book! If you haven't pre-ordered your copy yet you can do so by following this banner:

Thanks to Miss Erin for the update!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Review: Princess Bubble

Princess Bubble by Susan Johnston and Kimberly Webb

It isn’t very often that I have the opportunity to read a children’s book that I know parents and teens will enjoy just as much as children. Fortunately, Princess Bubble is one of those books.

Princess Bubble has just graduated from college and takes a job as a flight attendant in order to travel the world. She buys her own castle, and invites all her princess friends over for all sorts of celebrations. Soon all her Princess friends are getting married and living “happily ever after.” But Princess Bubble just can’t seem to find her own Prince Charming. What’s a princess to do?

Offering a positive message for today’s girls, this book is a wonderful addition to any library. It teaches us that we can find “happily ever after” our own way, rather than by doing what others tell us to do. Parents are likely to enjoy the story just as much as their daughters, as well as girls of all ages. My favorite part was the illustrations, which are absolutely beautiful. The book also has several examples of artwork from real Princess Bubble fans, which gives it a personal touch.

Recommended for princesses of all ages, especially those age 8 and up!

Shady Glade Rating: 10/10!

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

*Please note* This was originally posted off-site. Clicking on the below link will take you to the full body of my reviews found at

Friday, March 23, 2007

Review: Inside the Walls of Troy

Inside the Walls of Troy: A Novel of the Women Who Lived the Trojan War by Clemence McLaren

Most of us know the story of Helen of Troy and how she was “The Face that Launched a Thousand Ships,” consequently starting the Trojan War. This book tells the story of the great battle between the Greeks and Trojans as never before. Helen tells us of her childhood (she was kidnapped at age 12) and the events leading up to her marriage. She also explains why she left with the Trojan prince Paris when she was already married, leaving behind both her husband and her daughter (who happens to be named Hermione). Then the book changes focus to Cassandra’s story, Trojan princess and Paris’ sister. Cassandra has the gift of Sight and sees immediately that Helen will bring tragedy to Troy. But she cannot help being drawn to the beautiful woman. At the start of the War, both women must learn how to support each other, or risk not surviving the terrible years ahead.

I thought this was a pretty good book. It was very interesting to see the Trojan war told from a women’s point of view, since they were so secluded from regular society in ancient Greece. The story of Helen’s childhood was also fun to read, since it is usually overlooked (if nonexistent) in most Greek mythology. The writing is fairly simple and uses a lot of dialogue to help pull the story along. A good short read, recommended for reluctant readers or someone who loves to read about Greek mythology.

Shady Glade Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Finals are coming up for me, so I’m down to crunch time. You can expect fewer updates in the next few sweek, but I hope to get what I can up! In the meantime, if you have a review you’d like to submit for this blog, please email me.

Wish me luck! :-)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

News: Site Stats and Searches

I was perusing my usual list of reading blogs when I came across this interesting post by Liz at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy. Liz has put of a list of some the searches people use to get to her blog, and some of them are quite funny. It got me thinking, so I went and checked out some of my own site statistics. Hopefully these will entertain you as much as they did me:

Shabanu- I have gotten so many hits for this book since I posted this review.

shabanu summary- See above.

suzanne weyn interviews- Sorry, no interview for her, but I’d love to do one.

Theshadyglade- Apparently someone forgot the address of my blog. : -)

dramacon 2, summary- Well, a summary might be lacking, but you probably found my review.

confusing english- I don’t know if you were just looking for something in general, but you probably found the poem I posted about it.

young adult librarians- Not really sure where this came from. This would be my dream job, but unfortunately, I am not a YA librarian.

shady glade- Not sure if you were looking for my blog, or just a glade in general.

photography cut-off models head top fad- Yes! Someone looking for the Stop the Crop post!

cari gelber- You probably found both my review and my interview.

miss glade- This one stumps me.

ann rinaldi christian review world view- Ditto. Although I do read a lot of Ann Rinaldi books.

neverland, fairy, raini- This sounds like a Disney Fairies search, and it probably dumped you into my review for Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg.

pictures of a shady glade- Obviously, I don’t think they found what they wanted here.

confusing english plural- This person sounds like they just needed grammar help, but they probably got the poem I mentioned earlier.

readers theater for fever 1793- Readers theater? That would be cool. Hope you find one.

shabanu daughter of the wind summary- Another Shabanu search. Maybe trying to avoid a book report?

quotes from shabanu- This is a good idea, I should have written down a quote or two before I returned it to the library. Oh well…

tinkerbell the fairy and her friends- Another Disney Fairies search.

shabanu is about- See above.

review american born chinese- Sounds like you got what you wanted in my review. I’ve been getting a lot of these hits to since this book won the Printz award.

shabanu chapters- See above.

countryside 1793 fever- Not sure if you were looking for the book, or historical information. Either way, it probably gave you my review.

This just constitutes the latest 100 searches people have used to come across this humble blog. As you can see, I’ve been getting a lot of searches for Shabanu and Fever 1793. The funny thing (which isn’t apparent here) is that a lot of people try to find things like chapter by chapter summaries. Obviously, someone doesn’t want to put the effort in to their own homework.

In other interesting new, this blog is only 5 page views away from 1000 since I started keeping track in October. Wahoo! Okay, so that really isn’t a lot, but it makes me happy. Any ideas to help get more readers would be wonderful. Or, if you have a blog and you’d like to have a link exchange, please let me know. In case you’ve forgotten the address, you can email me here.

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Review: Emma Vol. 1

Emma: Volume 1 by Kaoru Mori

Emma is a shy lady’s maid in Victorian London. Raised by her mistress because she had no family of her own, Emma is happy with her life. But when William, a former charge of her mistress’s governess days, comes to visit unexpectedly Emma’s life is about to take a turn.

Emma and William are instantly drawn together, even after their awkward fist meeting (she accidentally hits his face with a door). But William is a wealthy young businessman, expected to marry a young lady from good society. Likewise, Emma’s position prevents her from expressing any feelings for a member of upper-class society. Meanwhile, Emma is being showered with gifts from young men all over London. How do two people who can never be together ever have a chance?

Although this is a graphic novel, it is not like any you would expect. It really reads more like literature than a graphic novel, and it presents a fairly accurate presentation of Victorian London. Throughout it all, you want the two to be together, even though neither one will admit their feelings outright. The book ends in a bit of cliffhanger, so I’m rushing to get my hands on the next one. Read this one, you will not be disappointed!

Shady Glade Rating: 10/10!

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ramblings: YA Lit

So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about age lately, mostly because my birthday was on Tuesday (and no, I won’t tell you how old that makes me). As most of my regular readers are probably aware, I read mostly what is considered Young Adult Literature.

But what exactly makes up Young Adult Lit? I read somewhere that most people reading YA are from 10-14 years old. A lot of the stuff I read seems directed to an older audience, although those younger kids can enjoy it too. At what point is something “too old” for YA?

Hmmm… and here’s the thing that really get me: when are you considered too old to be reading YA? Librarians and teachers get away with reading these types of books their whole lives, but should I be worried when I get weird looks from my classmates when they see what I’m reading?

So what do you think? I’d love to hear your comments, so please, tell me what’s on your mind!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Feature: The Shady Glade Store

I’ve added a new feature to the site: The Shady Glade Store! Now you can buy your favorite books, movies, music, and more all in one place. Each page has lists of items that are recommended by me, and you can also search for your own favorites. All purchases made through this store go to help keep this site up. Please, if you are considering buying a book online, every purchase made here helps immensely. Your support is great appreciated!

If you have other ideas about how to contribute to the site, I welcome your emails!

Visit the new store now!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Review: Doomed Queen Anne

Doomed Queen Anne by Carolyn Meyer

At the young age of 13, Anne Boleyn declares her ambition to someday become Queen of England. The only problem is that King Henry VIII is already married. This story examines the life of Anne as she maneuvers through political intrigues and court games to work her way into power. Although she ultimately achieves her goal, the ambition that led her there could also prove to be her greatest weakness…

This book is one of the installments from Meyer’s Young Royals series, detailing the early lives of many of the famous Tudor women. Although this wasn’t my favorite book, it is quite good. Once again, Meyer creates a wonderful picture of the Tudor court. Her ability to bring historical figures such as Anne to life is amazing. Don’t miss out on the other wonderful books in this series either.

Shady Glade Rating: 7/10

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Are you a Bibliophile?

I just recently found this article posted on Shannon Hale's newsletter site. It was just too funny, I couldn't resist sharing it. It was written by Laura Middleton and you can see the orginal article by visiting the site. So without further ado, here it is, with my own inserted comments in brackets:

You Just Might Be a Bibliophile

What is a bibliophile? If you already know the answer to that question, you most likely are one, and there is no need for you to read further in this column. Although it might sound like someone who belongs in prison, a bibliophile is actually a lover and collector of books. How do you know if you are a bibliophile? Take this self-assessment test and then score yourself as described below:

  • Has the library offered to upgrade your library card to platinum? [no, but they do have to replace it every few months because it gets so worn out]
  • Do you have a stack of books on your night stand high enough to be considered an architectural wonder? [yup. its the leaning tower of books...]
  • Do you have enough rewards points from your purchases to fly free to Europe? [I would if I joined thier points progam]
  • Do you ask strangers, "What's that you're reading?" [I did this afternoon]
  • Do you have more than 100 cubic yards of bookshelf space, but wish you had more? [never enough room for books]
  • Do librarians ask you if they can borrow a book? [no, but they ask me for recommendations all the time]
  • Are you on a first-name basis with the sales clerks at Borders? [I would be if we had a Borders here]
  • Do you feel naked without a book somewhere on your person? [yes!]
  • Does the smell of a new book make you woozy? [yup]
  • Does the smell of an old book make you woozy? [, not really]
  • Have you ever hugged a book? [I'm sad to admit it, but yes]
  • Do you have more books loaned out than most people own? [probably. I lost count]
  • Have you ever hidden under your covers with a flashlight so you could read just one more chapter, undetected? [many, many times]
  • Do you own just the right number of books to last your lifetime (that is, if you live to be 307)? [or longer, maybe...]
  • Have you ever camped out for a book release? [no, but I've thought about it for Harry Potter]
  • Do you have your name on the library waiting list for more than a dozen books at a time? [only a dozen? try 30...]
  • Are you ever frustrated with your friends or relatives because they do not behave as predictably as literary characters? [life would be so much easier if this were the case]
  • Have you ever tucked a novel inside of another book to disguise what you are reading? [yeah, so my professor doesn't know I'm not studying shark anatomy]
  • Do you have stacks of books in places that most normal people would not stack them (e.g. on the back of the toilet, in old milk crates, under the legs of furniture, in the glove compartment, on top of the television, in unused bathtubs)? [does in a dresser drawer count?]
  • Have you ever replied, "Too many books? How could a person ever have too many books?" [more times than you think]

Count the number of questions to which your response is "yes". Use the scale below to determine your bibliophilic tendencies.

0 - 5 What are you doing on an author website, anyway? You must have browsed here by accident. Perhaps you were searching for Hannon Shale, a sedimentary rock from the Precambrian Period.

6 - 10 You have a healthy regard for books. You feel for them the way you would an esteemed distant relative or a trusted counselor. You are in little danger of being overrun by books, but you are probably a card-carrying library patron.

11 - 15 You love books, but fortunately for you, there is a good chance you will remain sane. Your bibliophilia is borderline, but not yet at the pathological stage.

16 - 20 Sorry to say that it is too late for you. You are certifiable. You love books the way Augustus Gloop loves chocolate. Resign yourself to the fact that books will consume your life. Or, rather, you will consume books with reckless abandon verging on insanity throughout your life.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Review: Kristy's Great Idea

The Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy's Great Idea by Ann M. Martin and Reina Telgemeier

The Baby-Sitter’s Club series by Ann M. Martin was easily one of my favorite reading pleasures growing up. Now a whole new generation can experience the adventures of Kristy, Mary Ann, Claudia, and Stacey … in graphic novel format!

The idea came to Kristy one night as she watched her mom calling person after person looking for a sitter. What if there was one number that parents could call and get several experienced baby-sitters all at the same time? And thus the Baby-Sitter’s Club is born. All four girls not only go through the trials of starting a new business, but test their friendships as well.

As I mentioned earlier, this series was one of my favorites when I was little. This new format has breathed new life into the series, and is sure to bring all sorts of new readers. The art is simple, but makes a nice blend between Japanese and American illustration styles. Great for readers 8 and up.

Shady Glade Rating: 7/10

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Review: Walk Softly and Watch Out for Bigfoot

Walk Softly and Watch Out for Bigfoot by Anne Herrick

I saw ears pricked forward, quivering nostrils, blazing eyes. A huge brown creature hurtled toward us…we were being attacked!

I covered my face with my hands. There was a crash through the underbrush. Then…silence…

“Are you okay?” Neeta asked. “That deer really startled you.”

“Deer? Oh. Yes. The deer.” Cute little Bambi it was not.

Gwynne is a city girl through and through. Born and raised in New York City, she has the perfect summer plans to finally get her on the school A-list. With aerobics classes, personnel makeovers, and shopping sprees, nothing can stop Gwynne from becoming popular.

That is, until her parents drop the bomb.

Rather than spending a few weeks in LA while her parents spend their second honeymoon in Europe, Gwynne is being shipped of to a small Oregon town called Adler to visit her cousin Neeta. Gwynne, naturally, is shocked beyond compare. What is there in Oregon besides trees anyway? Is she doomed to spend her summer vacation trapped amongst tree-huggers?

At first, Gwynne’s worst fears seem to be confirmed. Rather than being interested in boys and makeup, all her cousin seems concerned about is saving some old forest from becoming a resort. Slowly Gwynne becomes accustomed to the small town life, and even agrees to go on a camping trip.

Camping turns out to be harder than she expected. No showers, no electricity, wild animals, and Bigfoot? No thank you! But when Gwynne learns to focus on other instead of herself, she ends up finding a treasure she never could have imagined.

Walk Softly and Watch Out for Bigfoot is a fun and quick read. For those of you city-dwellers who’ve ever imagined life away from all the hustle and bustle, the book offers a great look at what life in a rural town offers. Filled with plenty of humor, drama, and culture clashes, readers will also be surprised to find lots of facts about taking care of the environment. Recommended for readers 12 and up, especially those looking for a wilderness adventure.

Shady Glade Rating: 8/10

Visit the Shady Glade Store for more recommended reads, movies, music and more!

*Please note* This was originally posted off-site. Clicking on the below link will take you to the full body of my reviews found at
Click here to read the original review.