
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So you've probably been worndering...

...just where I disappeared to. Yeah, its been about a month since my last post. So what's my excuse? Well, I've been busy, and unfortunately real life gets in the way of me doing what's fun. So here's what happened. Like you may remember, last semester for me was swamped. I finally made it through and I had to go home for two weeks.

In the meantime, I've started a podcast, which takes up a lot of my time. Time I may have normally spent blogging was spent recording, editing, and posting shows. So if you're interested in that, you can go check out my new podcast. It's all about Webkinz; so if you don't know what they are, you probably won't be interested in the show. ;-) I hope that's not really what I sound like, but I've been told the computer makes the shows sound completely different than my actual voice. Go figure.

The other thing on my plate since the semester ended is that I'm finally taking place in the Disney College program. I started a new blog just for Disney-related posts, so if you'd like to see what it's like to be a college student at WDW, I'd love for you to check out my new blog called Disney World Girl.

Now, that being said, I have a ton of posts rattling around in my head that I'm dying to write. I'm going to try super hard to update this blog a little more, but if I don't, at least now you know where I am. I'm even behind in my reviews for YABC (I've got about seven that I've read and just need to sit down and write the silly things), so I'm not promising anything at this point. But please don't desert me completely, dear readers. I love blogging to much to give it up completely. :-)

As far as the Young Adult Literature Challenge, I'm going to extend it another month to May 20th. Why the change? Well, obviously I missed the deadline. And for another thing, I didn't get a chance to read everyone's wrap up stuff. So I'll post a Mr. Linky in a few weeks, and you can tell me all about your experiences. And if you haven't signed up, well, here's a good chance.

You know, it's good to be back.... even just for a little while.