
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Random posting

So like I need another excuse for why I haven't been posting. My work schedule has been crazy enough that that's plenty of excuse. Don't believe me? I've been working 12 hour shifts. Believe me now?

Anyway, back on topic.

I have another thing that has been keeping me from my computer. Twilight. Yes, I'm finally reading it. The sad thing is, I've had the book for over a year, and just haven't gotten around to reading it. In my defense, I do have lots and lots of books at home waiting to be read right now.

But.... Oh. My.

Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed this. I don't think I've read something this great recently. I mean, I've read a lot of stuff I've liked, but this went above and beyond. I'm not going to bother reviewing it, most of you have read it already. I realize how late I am on this bandwagon.

By the way, does anyone have a copy of New Moon they want to send me? :-)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

This is sad

I have lots of books. Scads and scads of books, all waiting patiently to be read. HUGE piles of books (they keep showing up on my doorstep) that I should be willingly devouring.

But I can't.

Know why? Because they are in California, and I am here in Florida. For the summer. I brought 7 books with me. I have 2 left to finish. None of my roommates have books, except for the business major, and you guessed it, they're business books. No car, no bus that drops off anywhere near the library or bookstore.

Help me!

Okay, now that's done. In all seriousness though, I'm really missing my books. Oh well, they'll be waiting for me when I get back. I'll probably have no more free time to read at that point either, but there you go.

Anyway, just wanted to drop in and let everyone know I'm still alive. My Disney job is keeping me busy, and you can read up about it in my new blog if you want.

My goal this morning (since I didn't work until 6) was to get lots of reviews done. You want to know how many I wrote? Yeah, none. I am so behind. My laundry's still sitting in the corner too, but that wasn't my fault. Honest. I didn't have a $5 bill for the machine (stupid laundry cards...)

Well, it's been fun, but I need to go to bed now. I really will get some reviews done soon. I promise. Or I hope so anyway. :-)