
Friday, August 03, 2012

Where I Have Been

So I wanted to pop in really quick and give everyone a quick update on my status.  You may have noticed I haven't been around a lot lately.  Unfortunately like in December, my health has suddenly taken a dive.  I've also had a greatly increased level of stress at work due to a new computer system we're trying to get up and running.  With the medical problems and the job issues I've been so, so tired the past few weeks.  Something had to give, and as the blog does not pay my bills, and it doesn't keep my heart pumping, and lungs breathing, it was the thing that had to go. 

The good news is, I'm slowly recovering.  My goal is to ease back into things over the next few weeks, so I hope you can all be patient with me while that happens. 

In the meantime, for those of you who are wondering about the book battle.  Don't worry, it's still happening.  Round 2 is still coming up.  I'm hoping to be able to set things up in the next week or two, and get everything rescheduled and ready to go.  So if you're one of the Round 2 judges, look for an email with updates from me coming soon. 

Thanks for sticking with me through all of this.  Life is full of it's little ups and downs, isn't it?