
Monday, November 25, 2013

Did you notice the shiny new links?

So after wanting to do this forever, I finally put up some "pages" for the blog.  They're up there at the top, right below the header.  See them? 

Okay, so they're kind of faint right now, and they didn't turn out exactly how I wanted them to, but it's a start.  I eventually want to switch to buttons instead of straight links.  But that involves a graphics edit program and some HTML and unfortunately I'm too busy with other things to mess with all of that at the moment.  Darn. 

But at least they are still there!  I've got several pages for my list of past posted reviews, including by title, author, or genre, as well as a few other lists and things up there too.  As always, it's a work in progress too...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Updates and News

Okay people. I know I’ve been a little absent again lately. It’s amazing how much real life when you have a 9 to 5 job just gets in the way sometimes. Cuz I don't actually work 9 to 5, it's more like I get up for work at 5:00 in the morning, and don't get home until 5:00 in the evening, and then I have to make dinner, finish any errands that need to be completed for the next day, and be in bed again by 9:00ish. :)

The latest thing on my list is the Cybils reading period, of course. I’m on the Young Adult Non-Fiction panel this year, which is completely new territory for me. So I’m going to start a new series of posts: My Adventures in Non-Fiction. It will be a (hopefully) weekly update on my general reading progress as I experience the world of YANF. I’m also going to try and make an effort to do better about reviewing the Cybils books. Unfortunately that means there won’t be many reviews of anything except Non-Fiction for awhile, but I’m going to try and mix in some other reviews from time to time as well.

In other news, I will be doing A Shady Glade Christmas again this year. Which means I will once again be asking for guest posts. So if you have a favorite Christmas/holiday tradition, movie, book, song, etc. you’d like to write about, send me an email at shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com and let me know. You don’t have to do the post right away, just email so I have an idea of how many volunteers I have. I’ll be putting out another “official” guest post call probably next week. Even if you’ve participated before, if you would like to join in again, that’s great. Otherwise everyone will have to listen to me all month. Haha. You can see posts done from the years of 2009-2011 (2012, last year, I was part of my "year off") by searching for posts with the Christmas label.

So here’s hoping things will get back on track soon!