
Blog Disclaimer

This statement is required by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission):

Occasionally the proprietor of this blog (myself) will receive free physical or ebook copies of a published work in trade for a review.  This fact in no way influences the opinions I express about on this blog, or how I review the book (in fact a lot of times I forget to review them at all).

Any publisher/author/publicity sponsored giveaways are handled by the sponsor of the giveaway.  I am not responsible for how any of these giveaways turn out, I am merely responsible for hosting them.  All rules, prizes, etc. are determined by the sponsor.  Giveaways or freebies sponsored on this blog also do not influence any opinions I express here.

I do participate in Amazon Associates.  Any purchase made from using a link from this blog will donate a small amount of money back to the blog.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

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