
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Contest: Fall Writing Challenge

Calling all writers, this contest's for you! The following is a copy of a post on YABC's blog. PLEASE consider entering, we still need at least one more entrant to get any prizes. You could win a 3 DVD set, and you still have until the end of Novemeber to enter! See below for details.

You have until the end of November to submit the following in the YABC Forum:A short story or poem that somehow encompasses Fall -- it could be about what Fall means to you, or to a character, or just have that general "Autumn" feeling to it. In other words, you can make an argument for just about anything that has to do with the season! An introduction of 150 words or less can be included to explain what your intent is with the piece. All forum members are welcome to enter. You can only enter once. After the contest period is over, a poll will be held to determine the winner. Chances of winning will depend upon the number of entries and, of course, how you are judged by your peers. The only ones who have no chance of winning are those who don't enter!


  1. Thanks for posting this! I hope we can get more entries.

  2. Me too! If you can think of another way to promote it, let me know. ;-)


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!