
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Updates again: Ready for the New Year!

Hey everyone!

Just a quick update to let everyone know that I haven’t died yet. I’ve been busy with both Christmas vacation, my new term that started on the 4th, and my new job as a TA for the English department. So time has been a little scarce!

Here’s the news for what you can expect in the next few days, weeks (months, years… just kidding, I’m not going to make you wait that long):

New feature- I’ve decided to start a new feature: recommended books lists. These complied lists of some of my favorite books will appear periodically, and they are a great way to get good recommendations without wading through a bunch of reviews. I’ve already started to compile some lists including the best books I read in 2006, and the best looking upcoming books of 2007. I also will be posting the majority of the Cybils nominees (including my GN committee), and letting you know who the winners are when they are decided.

Contests- January seems to be a little scare for contests, but I’m still trying to dig up some good ones. Keep checking back often.

Book website reviews- After much deliberation, I am actually considering taking these reviews off the site, or at least not doing them anymore. I just have too many other things to focus on, and not enough time to write reviews. If you want to see them stick around, email me or leave me a comment on this message. Your input is appreciated!

Voting finalists- Make sure you vote for the new YABC teen reviewer by the 17th. If this is news to you, you can read the original posting here.

Quotes- Yeah, I know I’m way behind. I have a whole list of them to put up and just no time to do it in. I’ll try to get them added periodically.

Reviews- As some of you know (or don’t know, whichever applies to you) I was on the Cybils nominating committee this past few months. This means I have a ton of books to finish reviewing. I’ll hopefully have some up soon!

Updates of lists- I realize that some of my lists of reviews are looking thin. I hope to have them updated in the next few days, and you’ll be able to tell exactly what we have on the site!

Phew! That was a long entry! As always, I love to hear from my readers through email, comments, or whatever! If you have suggestions, spot a mistakes, or just plain like what you see, tell me about it!

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