
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Review Update

Some of the reviews that I post on this blog have previously been posted on the YABC website as part of my job as an official reviewer. In the past, when I’ve included these reviews, I have simply put a link to YABC so that readers can see the whole review there.

As I’m working on updating and moving things around, I’ve decided to post the full text of the reviews on this blog. This will be the case not only for reviews posted from now on, but also for previously posted ones. I will update the links and text as I have time. Each review of the circumstance will have a link to the original posting at YABC.

As a reminder, all reviews are copyright to me, and any stealing of reviews will be reported as copyright infringement. I don’t want to sound too harsh, but I’m not here to write your book report! If you would like to include part of my review on your blog or website, that’s wonderful, but please give me credit for writing the review, and email me to ask permission. Thanks!

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