
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Update: Random News

Whew! It’s amazing how much being on vacation can make you tired! But I suppose that’s what I get for staying at Walt Disney World until about 11:00 at night only to get up at about 7:00 the next morning for a week. But I’m happy to report that we pretty much did everything there is to do at all four parks (which is quite an accomplishment, even if we didn’t quite finish Epcot). I had a fantastic time, and I suppose that is a subject I may return to in a future blog rambling post.

Anyway, in other news, you can look forward to my latest update of the Spring Reading Challenge soon. I had to fly space available this trip, so we had quite a bit of time to get some reading done. I am also WAY behind on reviews, but I hope to have another one up tomorrow.

Well, it’s getting late for me, and I need to get some sleep, so I think I’ll sign off now. Night!

1 comment:

  1. Some of my most exhausting vacations have been at Disney World. Glad that you had fun!


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