
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another Update

I just got back from the Sonoma Lavender Festival, and am I sunburned! Ugh, my legs and arms are totally pink. I know I haven’t been around lately, so here’s the latest:

First of all, a HUGE thank you to Caroline Says for her donation of her new collaboration The Upper Class. I’ll be reviewing it this summer, and she was also kind enough to throw in a few extra copies for future contests.

Speaking of contests, make sure you enter this month’s contest to win a copy of Circle of Three. You can look here for more details.

The Spring Reading Challenge ends this week, so I will have my final report there. I’ll also have an update on the new Summer Reading Challenge.

I also have some reviews to post. I know, I’m really behind, but I’ve simply been too busy reading to catch up on my writing. I promise to have them up soon!

That’s it for now. Remember, we’re still looking for donations for future contests, so make sure you email me if you have a prize you can donate.

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