
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry Potter? Not yet...

So I haven't even started Deathly Hallows yet. We picked it up on Saturday (for $18.00 at Costco) but I haven't started reading. My reasons? Rather than try to beat my brother and dad off of it at the same time, I'm simply waiting until they are done reading. Then it's all MINE!

Meanwhile, I've been using my Potter-free time to catch up on some other reading. Make sure you check out the new writing contest if you haven't already, as I'll be gathering up some lists of great fairy tale books you can gain inspiration from. I've had one person email me to tell me they are participating, but no one's linked yet. So help spread the word!


  1. I can't believe you can go so long (although you may have started by the time I read this)! I stayed up all night to read HP&tDH! Can't wait to hear what you think when you're done, though.

  2. I'm surprised I've lasted this long! I'm reading Mugglenet's book in the meantime to help tide me over. :-)


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