
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fall Reading Challenge

Due to time constraints placed upon me while I am in school, I decided to go a little easier on my list for the Fall Reading Challenge. If all goes well, I’ll simply get this and a lot more done! The Cybils are coming up, and if I’m lucky enough to get a spot again this year, I’ll have my hands full of those soon! So without further ado, here is my list!


  1. Great list, hope you get through the books :) Can't wait for the reviews!

  2. Hope you get on the Cybils! Which category did you try for?

  3. What are the Cybils???

  4. Bluest butterfly- The Cybils are the Children's and YA Bloggers' Literary awards. You can find out more here:

    Erin- I tried out for Graphic Novels (again), Fantasy/Sci Fi, and Young Adult Fiction. I really hope I get on the nominating commitee again. Have you heard back from anyone yet?

  5. I think I heard that they're going to announce the panelists tomorrow!! (don't quote me on that tho)

    I hope you get on!

  6. I sure hope so! Did you try out this year? Guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed until they announce!

  7. I think eleven books is still a pretty decent load for the fall! Thanks for being part of Fall into Reading -- enjoy those books!

  8. Good luck on both the Cybils and the Reading Challenge! So glad the definition for Cybils was in your comments!! ;)

    Lana G!

  9. I asked to be in Middle Grade Fiction (needed a break from Fantasy this year, lol). News flash: panelists announced *tonight*!

  10. My 13 year old son is always looking for something new to read...and my 17 year old daughter wants books that "grab her from page one" I'm VERY interested in your list!!


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