
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I love it when…. meme

I love it when I get packages in the mail

I love it when I’m with my family

I love it when my cat goes asleep by my head so I can hear him purr as I sleep

I love it when I finish a good book

I love it when I get email that’s not spam

I love it when I read an inspiring piece of scripture

I love it when I listen to great music

I love it when my roommates try to cheer me up

I love it when I fly home for Christmas break

I love it when I actually understand something I’ve read for school

I love it when I watch movies with my brother

I love it when it snows and I don’t have to walk to class in the storm

I love it when I get to visit Disneyland during Christmas

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this sure is a nice meme. I'd like to try it one day!

    I love receiving packages in the mail, too. Letters from pen-pals, etc would also be nice!


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