
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy December!

Two more weeks of the semester. Research paper written and submitted. Emails caught up on (finally!). And plenty of time this weekend for reading. As Sarah Beth Durst would say: Snoopy Dance of Joy!

And, speaking of Snoopy, here’s a cute little music video I found on YouTube for A Charlie Brown Christmas. This is a Christmas classic for me, probably because I was in our school’s production in 6th grade. Watch this video and guess which part I played. (Scroll down below video for the answer.)

Did you guess right? Probably not. I was the Christmas tree. That’s right, my part consisted of falling over near the end of the play. And I still wonder why they let me in the high school musical… *grin*

Out of curiosity, leave me a comment and tell me what part you guessed.


  1. I guess I was thinking maybe Sally, mostly because I want to play that part in my community theater's upcoming production of You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown. So she's been on my mind. ;)

    (If you haven't heard of that musical, see this video:

  2. I actually tried out for Lucy, but obviously I didn't get the part.

    I love You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown! Hope you get the part. :-)

  3. Have you seen the play done before?

    Thanks, me too. ;) The pathetic thing is the play isn't till next summer and I'm already dream about it, lol.

  4. *already dreaming, that should say

  5. Unfortunately, I haven't seen it. I've heard the soundtrack, and I've seen parts of it. They did it last summer at our school, but I was back home. I missed Ryan Shupe this summer too. It was not a good summer... :-)

  6. Just browsing the internet. Very, very interesting blog.


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