
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Another Challenge- Royalty Reading

The Magic of Ink is hosting a new first challenge: The Royalty Rules Reading Challenge. Now you know I just have to join this one! It's way too cool to pass up. It runs from Feburary 1-April 30, 2008.

Here's the rule as copied from the Challenge Post:
Read two, three, or four books of whatever genre you choose, whether you want to read about historical kings, modern queens, or fairytale princesses. The only parameter is that the books are about a royal personage, although not necessarily as the main character. It’s perfectly all right if you want to read a book about, say, the queen’s lady-in-waiting, as long as the story incorporates the rise and/or fall of a crowned head, or a sovereign’s entire life.Crossover with other challenges if you like.Young adult or children’s titles are encouraged, but not required.

Just like my 2008 challenges, I don't think I'll post a list ahead of time on this one. I just found out I have to read 25 books for my YA lit class this semester. So I'm not sure what time I'll have for reading!

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