
Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have something I really want to post. But I can’t. Unfortunately, I’m in the middle of a 10 hour Genetics test. That’s right…10 hours. So my news will have to wait. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday.

Anyway, just wanted a break. Back to the grind...


  1. Oh my goodness! Yesterday I studied for a biology test (that concerned genetics!) for two hours and then took the test which is the longest one I've had all year. I thought *I* had it bad...

  2. Yeah, I guess they kind of pump up the volume once you get to college... :-)

    Luckily it only took my 5 hours or so, but it might have been because it was the first test (so it was easier). Oh well, I'm done now!

  3. (Not relevant to your post): I'm tagging you for a reading meme! See it at (I don't care if you don't want to, just thought it was fun :-))


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