
Sunday, June 15, 2008

News and Updates: June 2008 Edition

Hello everyone!

I've actually got some free time tonight, so I thought I'd actually take an oppertunity to do a little catch up posting and let you all know what's going on. So if you find these kind of posts boring, I apologize. You can just skip over this one. I don't mind, I promise.

Now, I know I've mentioned my new Disney blog before, and my regular readers know that I'm a bit of a Disney nut. Well, if you're into that sort of thing, my brother just started his own Disney blog called Disney on the Brain. Check it out if you're inclined.

So here's what else is new. I've discovered the wonderful ability of Blogger's new (well, for me anyway) feature to schedule future posts. So hopefully I'll be able to set up a few future posts for you here. I've just found a file with some miscellanous book reviews I've missed, including a bunch I wrote for YABC but never cross posted. So look for those coming soon. Of course, I'm also working on some new reviews too, but hopefully these will help keep you busy. :-) I also have about 3 memes and two or three other posts that I have planned out, so look for those as well.

The last piece of news is that I'm planning on starting a new feature soon too. I'm sure most of you have noticed I love YouTube, and part of that comes from my love of movies. So I'm going to have random movie clip posting days, where I'll post a movie clip for your viewing pleasure. Yeah, it may be a silly idea, but I'm having fun with it.

Anyway, I think that's about it. But now it's really late, so I am going to bed for tonight. But look for the new stuff coming soon!

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