
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What do you read after Twilight? & Contest!

Hello there, book fans! I'm back from my summer job, and it's time to get blogging again. Woot!

Sorry about that. I just got excited. :-) Guess what? My two-year anniversary is coming up next month, and I think I'll celebrate by giving away a whole bunch of books! Especially with review copies I've been flooded with lately. But more about that later. Essentially, anyone who comments one any post from now until September 10th will be entered to win free books. Simple, right? Of course, posting about the contest (and sending me a link) will help your chances too. Please make these thoughtful comments, as opposed to just "I want a book" or similar.

So here's something to kick around for you. Even though I've been back a few days, I've been re-losing myself in the Twilight series while I track down a copy of Breaking Dawn (too broke to afford books...ahhhh!). Hence the few days extra disappearance. But now I have a dilemma. Despite the piles and piles of books currently waiting to be read, I can't seem to find a Twilight substitute. Nothing has that same blend of romance and supernatural that I've come to love.

Anyone got ideas for Twilight withdrawals?


  1. You are probably already familiar with this series, but I enjoyed the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray. A Great & Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, and A Sweet Far Thing.

    I haven't found a series that directly parallels the magic of Meyer's series.

    Melissa de la Cruz has a vampire series, Blue Bloods, but again it's not quite as magical.

    For non-romantic vampires, I love Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. Anything he writes is great.

  2. Hi! I think you'd enjoy the Gemma Doyle series by Libba BRay. And you could also try the Luxe books (Luxe and Rumours) by Anna Godbersen. There is no supernatural, but romance abounds.

    For a mixture of romance qand supernatural, you could also try Second Glance by Jodi Picoult, which is a great book.

    And, of course, I'd love to get a book from you!

  3. I've been wanting to read that series too.
    Theresa n

  4. Well, it's not a supernatural series, but I love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. They combine time travel, historical fiction and steamy romance all into one great story.

  5.'s not a series (YET! It is but only the first book is out), and you wouldn't like it unless you read adult titles (it's not erotic or anything, by an means!) but it's called Wicked Game by Jeri Smith-Ready....vampires, music, romance. It's amazing.


  6. I've always had to hunt them down in the library and used book shops, but apparently Vivian Vande Velde's books are being re-released.

    They're fairly short, but have that great mix of romance and the supernatural.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I heard that Twilight series is a good read. Been wanting to read it but can't afford to buy books too. : )

  9. Romance and the supernatural?

    Melissa Marr - Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange
    Kresley Cole - Immortals after Dark series (especially the two newest)
    Cynthia Leitich Smith - Tantalize
    Robin McKinley - Sunshine
    Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

  10. I was lucky to come across the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris soon after finishing Breaking Dawn, due to my curiosity of the new HBO series True Blood. I instantly fell in love with it, and have been addicted for the past 2 weeks. I thought the nights of sleep lost to my Twilight addiction were over, until I started reading Dead Until Dark (the 1st in the series), and found myself watching the sun rise with my head stuck in the book.

    This series is about Sookie Stackhouse, a small town southern girl, who just happens to be telepathic. She is introduced to the vampire life after they have announced their existence to the world, along with their plan to survive on a new bottled synthetic blood instead of the living. She starts up an interesting relationship with Vampire Bill, whose mind she cannot read, surprisingly enough. Of course, now introduced to the supernatural world, trouble ensues and makes for a great read.

    As a grown woman, I must admit that I was a bit disappointed in the lack of sexuality in the Twilight series. That disappointment did not last while reading the Sookie Stackhouse books. So, beware if you are modest (or too young to read such things.) If not, enjoy!

    Btw...another upside to reading this series is the excitement of getting to see it on the tv screen next week.

  11. Cassandra Clare's City of Ashes and City of Bones. Annette Curtis Klause's Silver Kiss. And Douglas Rees' Vampire High is the best vampire book EVER, and he's currently working on the sequel.

  12. hmm have you tried any of L.J. Smith's books (Vampire Diaries, Night World) I absolutely LOVE those. There is one night world book that has a werewolf that works at a body shop in it AND there's like a love triangle between a human and that werewolf (well at first there is) and that same human and a vampire. it reminded me a lot like the Twilight Saga.

    i posted a link to this contest here:

    thank you for this awesome contest!

  13. Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. They are amazing! :)
    Bluebloods by Melissa de la Cruz. It's pretty good.
    House of Night Series by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast--pretty good as well.
    Moonstone by Marilee Brothers

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Definitely read Host also by Stephanie Meyers. Although there are no vampires, it is both super-natural and romantic. Awesome book to read after you finish the twilight series.

  15. The Vampire Academy Series was addicting and the House of Night Series is pretty good.

  16. try reading the house of night series by p.c. and kristen cast.i have a friend obbsesed with twilight,as in every pic possible,all the books,all the posters ect.i own the entire house of night series,and he is in high school,therefore LOADED with homework,yet he found time to get to the 4th of the 5 books in 3 weeks,and says they have a better story line than try that series.

  17. Anonymous12:48 PM

    ok so im reading this great series its the sookie stackhouse series
    its like a vampirey/mystery/comedy with alot more sexuality then the twiligth series i wouldnt say its a sure way to lose your addiction to twilight but it helps, in ways it keeps you more on your seat then the twilight series but i cant promise you anything...

  18. cincin4:57 PM

    okay so i'm guessing this sookie stackhouse one sounds pretty good..and the gemme doyle series?
    ahhh i need help,
    i'm on the verge of a twilight MELTDOWN because i dont know what to read (i just finished breaking dawn) and i need some new addiction to break my mind FREE of this edward-bella trance i'm currently in! =[

  19. Ok im 26years old and so far iv not read any books till last week. I have watched twilight and new moon, then felt i had to try and see if i would be able to get into the eclipse and breaking dawn, which i did and i read them both in 6days as they were great. So now i feel so low, im I ever going to find anything as great as these two book, as i really have enjoyed the way i felt when reading these books.

  20. The hunger games trilogy is definitely a must read, has the same love triangle dynamic, no super-natural..but extremely unlikely definitely fictional type stuff happening. It's amazeballs.


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