
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Weekly Geeks: Author Spotlight

So I've been seeing this things called Weekly Geeks around the net (Becky introduced me to it) for awhile now, but I've never brought myself to particpate. When I saw how easy this week's post was, though, I really didn't have an excuse to not particpate. So I'm jumping in! We'll see how much of a habit this becomes... Weekly Geeks is hosted by The Hidden Side of a Leaf, where you can find this week's other participants.

Weekly Geeks #24: Author Spotlight
Directions: 1. Choose a writer you like. 2. Using resources such as Wikipedia, the author’s website, whatever you can find, make a list of interesting facts about the author.

So here goes. I've decided to spotlight Clare B. Dunkle, since her book The Hollow Kingdom
is one of my absolute favorites.
  • Her first four books were written as letters to her daughters who were (at that time) attending a German boarding school.
  • She studied Russian literature in college and graduated in three years!
  • Her newest book, The Sky Inside
    , has a sequel due out next year, and is a nominated title for this year's Cybils awards.
  • Read my review of The Hollow Kingdom here
And here's a slideshow of all her books currently in print:


  1. Yet another interesting bit in this week's Weekly Geek. I love finding new authors and this is another one I haven't heard about previously. Thanks for posting.


  2. Welcome to Weekly Geeks! Wow, lots of new participants this week, that's exciting!

  3. And another author for my wish-list. They look very interesting; thanks for sharing. :)


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