
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More About My Experience on the Cybils

Only a few more days until the Cybils are announced. Anyone else excited?

One of my fellow Fantasy and Science Fiction panelists, the amazing Em of Em's Bookshelf fame, is counting down the days with a series of posts about our panel. And, I had the opportunity to answer some of her questions. Yay! My first interview! *happy dance*

So go over and check out Em's blog and the feature on yours truly. Stay tuned to Em's blog for a few other features on our group of panelists. And enter her seven book contest while you're over there, because you won't want to miss that.

Oh, and if you read this Em, thank you! Your introduction was so sweet, and it's nice to know I've had a reader since your early blogging days.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for answering my questions, Alyssa! It's been so much fun reading everyone's answers. I miss our constant emailing so this was a fun way to stay in touch. :)


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