
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Winner of Contest Monday: President's Edition

It's time to pick another winner! This was my first two-book contest, as well as the first children's books I've offered. It's been interesting to see what kind of response I got. I'd still like to know what sort of prizes you'd like to see in the future, so if you haven't already, take the oppertunity to vote in the poll in the sidebar (over there ---->)

But we came here to announce winners. So here goes. First off is the winner of Michelle Obama: Meet the First Lady:

Susan (black.eyedsusan)

And the winner of Don't Know Much About the Presidents is:

Ann Diana Dinh

Congratulations to both of you! Email me with your mailing address and I'll get your books in the mail.

Everyone else, don't forget to enter this week's Contest Monday for a chance to win an ARC of Paper Towns by John Green.

And for those of you who didn't win this time, you can order your own copy of both books from


  1. YES!

    Thank you so much. ((doing the happy dance))

  2. michelle obama is the trendiest first lady ever;) she's funny too...


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