
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Now I'm Sick... Again!

Look at the time stamp on this post. No person should be normally up at this hour. But I seem have to developed a chest cold. Nasty cough, pounding headache, small fever, and a majorly sore throat (from all the coughing, I think). This is the second time I've been majorly sick in four months. And normally I never get sick! You may remember I had the stomach flu at the end of December, right in the middle of Cybils deliberations. That was an experience.

So I'm going to go curl up back in bed and hope I can get some sleep without coughing up one of my lungs. See you around as soon as I'm better...


  1. I can relate but I read this at 6am and hadn't been to bed yet as I listened to my wheezing chest with my sore throat...about the 4th one for me...and I used to never get I will fall asleep reading during the day, be too tired to do is crazy as I want to write at night but not ALL night..hope you feel better and my lungs also improve quickly..this is my spring break.:(

  2. Yuck, it's never fun to be sick on Spring Break. You may have read it at 6, but here on the West Coast I should still be asleep by all normal standards! As you can see I'm not...

    Here's get well wishes for both of us!

  3. Ugh, that's no fun! We're getting the sniffles here, think it might be the pollen. Get better soon!!!

  4. It's 9:42am here and I haven't slept... I don't sleep during the night, so that's sorta nothing :P No offense, of course, and I hope you get better soon.

  5. It's 9:42am here and I haven't slept... I don't sleep during the night, so that's sorta nothing :P No offense, of course, and I hope you get better soon.


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