
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday: 4.22.09

So I had an interesting post about Waiting on Wednesday last week that sparked some discussion. Essentially, I tried to explain why you've probably already heard of most of the books I feature. But I think this is one you might not have heard of. At least I haven't seen anyone do it yet!

Cathy's Ring by by Sean Stewart & Jordan Weisman

*SPOLIER WARNING* If you haven't read Cathy's Book, the following description may have a tiny spoiler in it. Your choice. Choose wisely...

About the Book (from "Cathy cannot manage to find more than a few days to relax in her hectic (and mortal) life—she barely has time to put the mystery surrounding her father to rest before she finds herself targeted by a group of Ancestor Lu’s professional killers!

Recognizing she is a serious threat to everyone in her life, Cathy makes plans to leave town. But her friends, Emma, Pete, Victor, and, surprisingly, Jun, unite to convince Cathy that they must finish Lu once and for all to have any chance at peace—mortal or immortal. In order to defeat Lu, the friends must come together in a way they never have before.

Meanwhile—unbeknownst to Cathy—Victor has made the ultimate sacrifice hoping it will bring him closer to a normal relationship with Cathy. But when Victor is seriously wounded and Cathy finds herself attracted to another mortal with similar feelings for her, Cathy’s world turns upside down and she is forced to make a decision about her future with Victor, while his life hangs by a thread. What will Cathy decide, and how will their epic battle with Lu play out? Find out in the newest adventure-packed installment of the Cathy story!"
*End Tiny Spoiler*

So I just finished Cathy's Key, which is the book that comes right before this one (yeah, yeah, I know it came out almost a year ago...). I really enjoy this series, though for the life of me I can't explain why. Either way, I'm looking forward to reading this one soon.

Cathy's Ring with be released on May 4th, and is currently available for pre-order from


  1. I'm so excited for this series! What a great concept!

  2. great pick, i haven't read the first one yet but they sound really interesting

  3. Sounds like a winner! I have enjoyed visiting your blog lately. Please come over to BOOKIN'WITH BINGO as I have something for you as well!


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