
Thursday, May 21, 2009

A little blogger trouble

My blog seems to be acting a little funny lately. I can't seem to view my pages without it "aborting" in IE. Seems to be okay in Firefox though.

Is anyone else having trouble? I'll try to be back soon!

*EDIT* I think the problem has been fixed. It seems that several other Blogger users are having the same trouble, and it seems to be caused by the "Followers" widget. So I've removed mine for now. :-( Hopefully they'll have the bugs worked out soon.

Please comment and let me know (or email) if you're still having trouble viewing! I want to make sure this gets completely fixed.


  1. It's working fine for me. I had the same problem with my blog. Removed the followers gadget and now everything's fine. As an interesting side note, when you add the gadget back, you'll still have your followers. Hooray! I hope they get this mess fixed up soon.

  2. I didn't have the problem but I'm glad it seems to have been fixed.

  3. I haven't had that problem with yours but it does that on some others I've viewed.

  4. That happened to me last night, on both my desktop and laptop when trying to view Blogger blogs through IE. It would just auto-abort. It seems fine now, though :)

  5. I had that problem a couple of times. I hope they fix it soon.

  6. Yeah, I had problems on a few other blogs too. It really looks like it might be the followers widget. So if you're having problems and you have a followers widget, then take it off and you should be fine.

  7. So it's not me? That's great to know. I just reformated my blog to a 3 column for Stretch Mimima template and was worried that was issue. Thanks for the heads up! Indigo

  8. I spoke to soon. It keeps happening to me. And it's other blogs as well as my own. Grrr. I hope it gets fixed. I want to see blogs :(

  9. I thought it was my computer! It's been happening when I read some blogs, but it didn't happen when I looked at your blog...I hope its not happening when people look at mine!

  10. Never happens to me, but I only use Firefox because it's faster than IE.

  11. I cannot see any of the followers from my computer. I can see them from my daughter's computer. When I visit other blogs, I cannot see their followers either...this is strange.

    I am not using IE. I am using Mozilla Firefox.


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