
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

People's Choice Voting Open

Ack! I can't believe I forgot to post this! This is one of the horrible, horrible things that happens when you move. You forget all sorts of things, and lose all sorts of emails!

Now that nominations are closed, it's time to cast your votes for the People's Choice YA Book Blog Awards. Here's a little more about the words from Hey, Teenager of the Year, the award's founder:

"The People's Choice YA Book blog awards is about recognising all book bloggers for their effort, and showing our appreciation to bloggers we admire. Every book blogger makes a huge effort on their blogs, and I hope you are all giving yourselves a pat on the back. Once you're done with that, vote! Voting is open until May 15th."

So go vote! Yes you. Go now.

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