
Saturday, May 09, 2009

Some Thoughts on Contests

So I've been kicking around a few ideas lately about contests. Would you like to see more of them? Here's some ideas:

1. Contest Monday- I think I'll be keeping this one. It's my normal contest staple.

2. Contest Roundups- Would you like to see lists of contests featured here? I know a lot of blogs (and I do mean a lot) feature lots and lots of constantly updated book contest lists. So I haven't really pointed out many of those contests myself. But would you like to see more of those lists.

And here's a few I've been considering adding:

3. Random Commenting Giveaway- Once a month I'd pick a random winner out of a someone who commented on the site.

4. A "books to buy" monthly contest- This is similar to what The Compulsive Reader currently does, or like the recent Willow contest. I'll have a list of books each month, and if you send proof you bought one you are entered for a prize for that month.

So what do you think? And here's another question while I've got your attention: Would you like to see prizes other than books? If so, comment with some examples (I'm not that creative...).

I'll even make it easy for you to weigh in. Check the right sidebar for a poll and vote. Choose as many as you'd like.

As always, questions, comments, ideas, concerns are welcome. Post a comment below!


  1. I love book prizes! Hmm, maybe don't do contests where people have to show proof that they bought a book? Cuz I kind of don't get the point.

  2. I think you should stick with the book prizes. I'd really like it if you did a Contest Roundup post every once in a while. Those are really helpful. A Random Comment Giveaway sounds great, and you'd probably get more comments and visits! As far as a book to buy giveaway, that's a pretty cool idea, although you probably wouldn't get as many entries. So... those are my thoughts!

  3. You have an award at my blog!

  4. I think any kind of book contest is a welcomed one! Very generous of you in fact. I do like all of the new ideas mentioned and I do know a contest roundup post is so very helpful. It also introduces some people to blogs they may not have heard of. I know I've found a few great blogs through contests & giveaways.

    I did participate in the Willow book to buy giveaway and even though I didn't win I still had my copy of Willow. So thait wasn't a total loss, and the prizes were a real incentive to go out and buy the book. But I agree with Melanie, many people may not be participating.

    As for prizes other than books, I've seen gift cards used a lot and think that's an excellent idea. I think anything book related would be enjoyed by the winner. I'm not too creative either so I don't think I helped much on that topic lol.

    The Random Commenting Giveaway is totally fun. I love random anything =D

    I hope this helps. I look forward to what you're going to do and thanks so much for having any kind of contest or giveaway!


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!