
Friday, May 15, 2009

Winner of Contest Monday (Sort of): Wings

So it's time to announce the winner of the (extended) Contest Monday post for an ARC of Wings. Thank you to everyone who entered, since this has turned out to be one of the biggest Contest Monday posts ever! I seem to keep saying that every few months. But it's still true, so I guess we keep growing! I wish I had more than one copy to give away, but alas, I do have only one. Le sigh. But we came here to congratulate a winner. So now, put your hands together for...


You're a winner! Email me with your mailing address and I'll get your ARC copy of Wings in the mail to you ASAP.

For those of you who didn't win, better luck next time. Remember, there's a new contest every Monday, and this week's looks like it will turn out to be just as big. There's still a few days left to enter!

I also suggest you pick up your own copy of Wings, which is available in a number of places, including This is going to be a book you'll enjoy!


  1. Congrats Mishel!

  2. Congrats to Mishel. And I just made your 100th follower :D

    I love making it three digits. By the way, great blog!

  3. Oh my thanks so much!

    and big hugs to Kate for letting me know, I'm so behind in my feeds!!

    I emailed you Alyssa =)


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