
Friday, June 19, 2009


Okay, so here's my introduction post for the Bloggiesta. Although I officially started at 10:00am this morning, I am late putting up this post. I didn't think to check the host blog until just now. I know, ironic isn't it? So my official end time with be 10:00am Sunday morning.

My goals

Time: I'm not going for any prizes here, because I already know I won't win. I have way to many things to do this weekend. Unfortunately, more than I thought I would when I signed up last week. Oh well, I'm going to do what I can! I think if I can pass 12 hours (6 each day), I'll be doing really well! That's how cluttered my weekend ended up.

Reviews: I have (hold on, let me count) currently 43 (!) books sitting on my top shelf that need to be reviewed. Beyond that I have another 27 books on a list of books I have returned to the library/borrowed/etc. that also need to be reviewed. Yeah, not going to get that all done. But a girl can dream!

Posts: My big o' notebook of blogs has 22 ideas in it. Plus I would like to get ahead on creating future Contest Monday, Waiting on Wednesday, Funnybone Fridays, and LOLs of the week posts. I want to plan them out at least if not write them. Plus I have two series on my Disney blog I want to get started on, as well as a regular feature for the summer I'd like to plan out. I also have a little something I'd like to do for Father's Day on Sunday, but we'll see what happens.

Layout stuff: I think it's time to add a feedburner to my blog. So I'm going to investigate that. I also want to re-add my followers widget and see if I still have problems "aborting". I also need to update my Disney blog. I'm going to add a follower widget over there, as well as a subscribe button. And maybe a feedburner. Also, as a sidenote, I'm having problems claiming my blog with Technorati. If anyone can help with this, please send me an email!
Social networking: Nothing planned really. I need to update my profile on a Ning group I recently joined. Other than that, not really anything planned.

Mini-challenges: I just found out about these. Arg! One more thing to add to my list. I don't know how many I'll even try, but we'll wait and see.
Wow, now I feel even more overwhelmed now that I've written all that down. Time to get cracking!


  1. But you are already in the running for a prize - simply for being here! You've got a great list and do you know how much better your 43 unreviewed books makes me feel next to my 25. Phew! Glad I'm not the only one. Good luck with the challenge!

  2. I hope you get tons done! Good luck!

  3. Yowza 43 reviews to write? I thought my list of around 10-15 was long! You could spend the entire weekend (and then some) doing just that.

    Good luck, hope you enjoy the festivities :)

  4. Whoa, the bloggiesta is almost over, but I hope you didn't feel too overwhelmed by everything. I wish I could have done more myself, but I did get a lot accomplished. I feel pretty good about it, and you should too. I like your blog layout, it's pretty cool. I also saw you Disney cartoon. That is awesome.

  5. I think that just making the to do list counts for a lot. It just helps get us organized! My list is unwieldy and unrealistic, but hopefully will be helpful in the future.

    So, good luck!

  6. Did you ever get the technorati thing figured out? I sent them a tech email, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. Isn't it frustrating?


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