
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Book Slump

*sigh* I seem to be in a book slump.

Let me explain. This week I finished a fantastic book. It was one I had anticipated for a very long time (several years) and it was everything I would hoped it would be. For several days I had to steal every moment I spent with this book, and I went out of my way to find time to read it.

But now I've finished it. And try as I might, I can't seem to get in the mood to read anything else. I have lots (tons, piles, scads) of books I want/need to read. But I'm feeling kinda "meh" about all of them. It's almost as if I can't bring myself to read anything because it can't possibly measure up to the book I just finished. Which is really irrational, but I can't seem to shake it despite that.

Has this ever happened to you?


  1. I definitely have had this happen to me. In fact I'm in the midst of one right now, waiting to hear of something amazing to read!

    Usually I just end of rereading one of my old favorites!

  2. I hit a bit of a slump around spring break. It seems like people are hitting book slumps a lot lately. My advice is to just take a break from books. That's what I did, and now I'm back on the reading train.

  3. Isn't that the WORST? I hate it when that happens. I can't wait to see what book it was!

  4. Hm, I've read some pretty amazing ones but I can still read other books after.

  5. Oh, that's too bad! I mean, it's great that you enjoyed the book you've been waiting for, but it kind of sucks that the will to read anything else sort of dissipated.

    Something similar had happened to me, actually - I read North of Beautiful, like, last last weekend, and wasn't able to really get into anything else. Then last night I skimmed over a few passages of THE HUNGER GAMES again, and today I started a new book, and now I'm 100 pages in, so it's looking good so far.

    Hopefully you get out of your slump soon :)

  6. Ya, that's happened to me several times. Without sounding lame, after I read Twilight... After reading it I thought it was really good and didn't feel like reading anything and couldn't.

    Also with my favorite series in the entire world, Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth. After the last book Confessor came out, I was like that, I couldn't find a good book to read. I was also like that after the 2nd to last book Phantom :) I just took a break from the genre of the book I had just read, and read something else for a few weeks. Last time I got in a slump, I read some Simon Romantic Comedies.

    :) Hope you get out of your slump soon! They're no fun.

  7. I feel slumpish. I can't concentrate on any one book long enough to finish it. I wanna finish!

  8. Yes, often! Usually does happen after a great book, but sometimes I just feel like there are SO many books I want to read, I don't even know where to begin.

  9. You are suffering from a good book hangover. I feel it is sometimes necessary to "mourn" the end of a particularly good book. Give yourself a few days.

  10. Oh, definitely -- a few times, actually. My book slumps are usually triggered by stress, though. I always end up reading books I've already read a zillion times because they're just that amazing, even when I have a sky-high stack of potentially amazing new books to read. But even then, those slumps are better than the ones where I just don't feel like reading AT ALL...

  11. I get this sometimes.
    But most of the time it's because I feel like I'm not ready to move on from something so great.

  12. I hate book slumps! They are so annoying!

  13. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I am the last person alive to read Twilight and so I kind of know how you feel because all I want to do is keep re-reading Twilight (although I'm forcing myself to continue on with New Moon).

    Perhaps you could read Twilight again...

  14. I usually go somewhere really quiet where it's read or go crazy, and that can help. It used to be baby-sitting after the kid went to bed because his mother didn't have cable. Or try reading something that's pure and utter trash, but you know you'll have fun reading. *ahem"tacky"romancenovels,forexampleahem*

    Or you could try what Genevieve suggested and taking a break. :)

  15. That happened to me after reading Terrier for the first time! I call it The Tortall Effect.


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