
Monday, June 15, 2009

Contest Roundup: June 15th

Time to see some of the stuff you can win around the blogging universe. Remember to always check the sidebar for current contests, including the new Contest Monday that will be posted later today.
If you didn't win last week, there's another chance to win Eyes Like Stars, this time over at Reviewer X. There's no end date listed, so enter now before it's over!

You may remember seeing A Sweet Disorder two weeks ago for Waiting on Wednesday. Well, here's a chance to win yourself a copy if you also want to read it! Ends tomorrow, June 16th.

My fellow Cybils panelist Charlotte is giving away paperback copies of Harry Potter books 5, 6, and 7. Comment on the original post by July 6th to enter.

Amy over at Addicted to Books has a new contest up. Win one of three prize packs which include books like Demon Princess. Comment to enter by July 27th.

That's all I have time to post today. Remember that this is only a few contests, there a lots more out there. Start by checking out the right sidebar for more chances to win, and then buzz some other book blogs for more contest fun!


  1. Thanks for the great links, I really want to read "Eyes Like Stars".

  2. Thanks for posting about these contests!

  3. Thanks for the links. I just HAD to enter that "Harry Potter" contest. :)


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