
Saturday, July 18, 2009

June's Search Terms

Well, this is a little late, but at least it's still July! Let's see what wild and wacky stuff people came up with to get to my blog during June...

June Search Terms

"catching fire" prequel- It's called The Hunger Games. But most of the world knows that already. Just not you, it seems. :)

"thirteenth child "wrede torrent- I got a lot of "torrent" searches this month, which I never have before. Do they make torrents of books now? Makes me sad to think of all those books cut up into tiny pieces, even if they do get put back together again...

background of the book "the fairy's gift"- Well, the two versions I've read are both fairy tales. Not much background there.

books young adult adult vampire fantasy supernatural humour- They know EXACTLY what they want!

chapter +summaries of fairest by gail carson levine- Hmmm... another student trying to skimp out on a book report?

dramacon vol 2 read free-While you can read the first chapter free on Tokyopop's website, you'll only find a review here.

helpful starter ideas for a princess novel- Anyone? Anyone?

review blog beauty sleep cameron dokey -buy- So let me get this straight. You want to read a review from a blog but not buy the book. Does that sound about right?

the ballad of mulan the book that i can read on computer right now- instant gratification not fast enough?

the king's rose by alyssa libby character- Actually it's Alisa Libby. Big difference. :)

what books can i buy books that have the same storyline as twilight- Well, there's Twilight, and then um... Twilight. Any other book would have a different storyline after all.

download beth fantaskey- What if she doesn't want to be downloaded?

fairy- I have no idea how you ended up on my blog, since searching just that one word would have given you scads of websites, all (I'm sure) way above mine.

pearls before swine gators- My absolute favorite comic strip characters. Glad to know someone else likes them too.

Not much in the way of unusual this month. Most of my hits were for the Catching Fire and Shiver contests. We'll just have to see what next month brings!

1 comment:

  1. I've had some odd ones recently. Like

    "police are looking for laina curtis"

    "three little words lyrics by laina"

    "ver laina white cantor"

    Weird!! Lol


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