
Monday, July 13, 2009

Mondays and Contests

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. The past week was extremely busy because of some company that was visiting. I kind of threw a wrench into my blog updates.

So while I try to get back on track, I want to make an important announcement. Due to my changing schedule for the summer, Contest Monday will now be extended for two weeks indefinitely. This also helps with postage, because costs are getting a little steep lately. I want to discontinue this after the summer, since I know most of you enjoy seeing a new contest every week, but we'll have to see how my schedule works out. So a new Contest Monday will be posted today, and it will run for two weeks instead of one.

I still want to try and post something contest-related every week. So I'm alternating weeks with contests and contest roundups. Since a new contest will be posted later today, a new roundup will go up next week. And so on.

If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them. See you back here later today for a new Contest Monday!

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