
Saturday, August 01, 2009

August Comment Contest: Win a Copy of Chasing the Jaguar

Today is August 1st, which means it's time to update the comment contest. See, I'm on top of things so far this month! Comments made on Augst 1st and beyond will count toward this contest. The winner of July's contest will be announced tomorrow.

How to enter: Each comment you leave on this blog equals one entry into the pot. These must be genuine comments, and other contest entries won't count for this contest. By genuine comment I mean it must add something to the conversation taking place. In other words a comment that says simply "cool" or "please enter me" will not help you win this book. Your fate is in your own hands. The more you comment, the better chance you have at winning. So if you really want the book, comment a lot! At the end of the month I randomly pick one winner for the prize. It's that easy.

August's prize is a brand new hardcover copy of Chasing the Jaguar by Michele Dominguez Greene. To win it, comment away until August 31st at midnight PST. The randomly selected winner will be announced early in September. Good luck to everyone!

About the Book (from "Girl next door . . . or Mayan sorceress ?

Martika Gálvez's "To Do" list:

1. Research final project for art class–on the jaguar

2. Study the arts of telepathy (ESP) and pyrokinesis (starting fires at will)

3. Build an altar and pray to Mayan deities

4. Use psychic powers to recover stolen ancient statue and help rescue abducted teen girl...

5. and convince Mom I'm really studying at the library

Introducing Martika Gálvez, the Latina Nancy Drew of the new millennium."


  1. Love #5, "convince mom that I'm really studying at the library." That sounds about right for anyone up to no good. Also something I would do...(or have done!)

    Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I agree, celi.a ... that's something I probably would have done when I was young. The books sounds great!
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. This sounds like a fascinating book - something new and interesting! I love the logline "the Latina Nancy Drew" - what a great description.

  4. I love #2. I think I'm a pyromaniac at heart!


  5. #5 sounds okay to me. I am a follower and would love to win this book.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  6. "convince mom I'm studying at the library". story of my life :) Can't wait to read about the Latina Nancy Drew. I'm presuming it's a series then?

    Please enter me in the contest!
    willbprez (at) aol (dot) com

  7. So from this I assume she is supposed to be doing a project about this jaguar theme..and is instead doing something I want to know what Latina Nancy Drew is REALLY doing...thanks for a chance to enter!

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Mary D
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    I LOVE Martika's List! #5 is funny, but I'd be number 3 - just to see what the Mayan Gods would answer LOL
    Oh, I loved Nancy Drew and I bet this book is just as super!
    Thanks for the smiles and chance to win :)

  9. That's quite an interesting to-do list - much different from mine...While she's studying the arts of telepathy and pyrokinesis, I'm doing laundry and cleaning bathrooms. Somehow her life sounds much more exciting...

    melacan at hotmail dot com

  10. Who hasnt used the excuse of studying at a library, studying at a friend's house as an excuse to scoot away!!!

    The books sound awesome.




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