
Monday, August 17, 2009

Contest Roundup: August 17th

Time for another contest roundup! And as I promised, this one is going to be BIG!

Remember, you can always check out the right sidebar for previously featured contests that are still going on, including the giveaways for Chasing the Jaguar and How to Steal A Car here at the Shady Glade. Now let's get started, because this post (and the sidebar) is going to get looooooong!

First off, you remember Diana's big anniversary celebration from last time? Well, it's still going on, and she's got even more cool prizes to give away including The King's Rose (I want that book soooooo bad!), Sebastian Darke, and How I Found the Perfect Dress. There are lots more, but I only have so much room, so make sure you head over there to check out the full list. All of her contests (including last week's Sucks to Be Me one) end August 31st.

If you've been around you've probably seen lots of buzz for The Prophecy of the Sisters lately. Well, here's your chance to get your hands on a copy. Lori from Pure Imagination is giving away a copy with three different ways to enter (ends Aug 25th). Travelling to Teens is also giving away a signed copy (ends Aug 28th). That's two chances to win, so buzz over there and enter!

And if you are looking for an absolutely huge, humongous, monstrous book contest, you need to head over and check out Cindy's blog. She's giving away 15 books to one lucky person including Hush Hush, Catching Fire, Suite Scarlet, Reincarnation, Troy High, Shiver, Fire and more! Plus there are lots of runner up prizes. You get an extra entry if you mention I sent you (Alyssa at The Shady Glade) so take advantage of that! Ends Aug 24th.

Presenting Lenore is also hosting a huge giveaway. This time its 8 Bloomsbury books up for grabs including Forest Born, Coffeehouse Angels, Sprout and more. Open until August 31st.

Want to win a copy of Devil's Kiss? Then head over to Lit Bites for a chance to win one of two ARCs. Ends August 24th. (That date is getting a little repetitive, isn't it?)

The Here, The Now, and The Books is a brand new YA blog, and she's having a contest to celebrate! Can you think of a better way to welcome someone into the blogging community? She's giving away 2 copies of Rachel Hawthorne's new books Moonlight and Full Moon from the Dark Guardians series. Ends Aug 23rd.

If you enjoy the Vampire Academy books, here's your chance to win the first 3 books in the series. Lush Budget Productions is giving away a set of the first three books when you enter her contest. Ends August 30th at midnight.

Here's another book that's gotten lots of great buzz lately. The amazing Steph Su is giving away an ARC of Hush Hush over at her blog. Head over there to enter before it ends on August 28th.

The Epic Rat is continuing her month-long birthday celebration as well. This week you can win Oh. My. Gods. and Goddess Boot Camp. Ends Aug 21st. And on a side note, don't you just LOVE the pictures of cakes she's finding for these posts? This week the cake has flip flops on it!

Sarah at GreenBeanTeenQueen is hosting a contest to celebrate the end of summer. You have a chance to win an ARC of Candor, an ARC of Dreams of the Dead and a signed copy of Twenty Boy Summer. Ends Sep 4.

You know how much I love retold fairy tales. So I was super happy to find this contest for the amazing Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier. The cover is super wonderful, you'll want to pick it up just for that. Ends Aug 31.

And last, but not least, here's another chance for you to win a whole bunch of books from Lost in a Book. She's celebrating her birthday by giving away copies of Eyes Like Stars, Hannah: Daughters of the Sea, and Lipstick Apology along with several others. You get an extra entry if you mention I sent you, so take advantage of that. If five of you mention I sent you, you get +5 entries! Ends Sep 1.

Phew! I think that's it for this week. Look for an updated sidebar later today. Now, go enter some contests!


  1. Long list of contests - thank you for all the work of putting it together!

    And what can I say? There be some amazing cakes out there! :)

  2. Great list of contests!


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