
Monday, August 24, 2009

Contest Roundup: August 24th

Okay, here's the thing. I know that I did a roundup last week and so that should mean that this week is a new contest. However, looking over the schedule of the next few weeks, I've decided to switch this week and next week around. The purpose for doing this is to coordinate things a little better with the upcoming blogoversary celebration in September. So today I'm bring you a new batch of contests you can enter. Don't forget to check the sidebar to enter those still available that were featured in previous weeks too.

First off, the How to Steal a Car contest here is being extended until next Monday because of the switch. So if you posted this in your sidebar for extra entries, you can update them to now read ends August 31st. And this month's comment contest will end on that day as well.

Starting off, it's time for another fantastic contest via Amy from Addicted to Books. The winner will get a fantastic prize pack including Fire, After, Tangled, and The Splendor Falls. Wow, that's a lot of one word titles. No end date listed that I can see, so hurry over there and enter quickly!

The Neverending Shelf is giving away a copy of Joy Preble's upcoming Dreaming Anastasia. Can't wait to read this one! Ends August 31st.

Want to win a signed copy of Wings? Of course you do. So hurry and enter this contest. Ends August 28th.

Here's a copy of Fade to Blue being given away by Robin-Titan over at T.V. and Book Addict. Ends August 30th.

So that should get you through until my next contest. See you around!


  1. Some great giveaways going on, thanks again for doing this!

    ~ Popin

  2. Thanks for the links to these giveaways! So many good books so little time!

  3. Hey! Thanks for posting about my giveaway :D

  4. I'm having my first giveaway at my blog : ) Check it out!

  5. I can't finish reading fast i am so slow reader so i need time to read these awesome books..
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