
Monday, August 31, 2009

Contest Roundup: Mini Edition

So I know today's not a contest roundup day, but I had two people email me about contest going on at their blogs, and they will be over before my next roundup. So here goes.

Miss Attitude over at Reading In Color is kicking off her big giveaway extravaganza by giving away three copies of Sliver Phoenix by Cindy Pon. Head over there to enter before the contest ends on September 5th. On another note, have I mentioned just how much I love this cover?

Bibliophile Support Group is having a huge contest to celebrate the release of Max, the newest Maximum Ride novel by James Patterson. You could win an 8-book prize that includes the entire Maximum Ride series. Open until September 21st.

Edited to add: Oops! Looked like I missed one. Kelsey over at The Book Scout is giving away an ARC of Hush Hush. Definately one you won't want to miss out on. Ends September 12th.

So that's if for this mini roundup. Of course, there's going to be lots of contest going on here starting September 1st. So keep checking that right sidebar for contest galore!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, can you add my contest to your sidebar? It's for an ARC of Hush Hush:


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