
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank You

I can't believe I forgot to post this earlier, but when going through my blog archives I realized I hadn't. Ugh. I hate it when what's in my head never makes it to the page.

Anyway, I got two emails last week from the Book Blogger Appreciation Week committee telling me I had been nominated in two categories: Most Concise and Most Extravagant Giveaways. I have to admit that I had to look up what the first one meant exactly. Guess I'm not the chatty type?

So I just want to say thank you, especially to those out there who nominated me. Never in my wildest dreams would I think I would get nominated. And although I might not win (I probably won't), it touches my heart so much that you'd think of me anyway. It's all of you who've made this blog what it is, and I thank you very much for it.

So let me say it again: THANK YOU!

You really made my day. So you can continue to help out by spreading the word about the blog, leaving me comments, and most of all, keep reading. Because a blog without readers really feels kind of empty. :)


  1. that is too cool. congrats on the nominations!

  2. Congrats on the nominations! They are well-deserved!


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!