
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cybils Panels Announced... Sort of

First of all, if you don't know what the Cybils are, welcome to enlightenment! The best explanation I have found is this post by Liz B at A Chair, A Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy.

Well, I can finally announce this. I've actually known since Monday, but we had to keep mum until the official announcement was made. Which is was today. So here we go. Copied from the Cybils blog:

We've been working hard behind the scenes on the judging assignments, and we've put together an enthusiastic panel of fans and bloggers to read the best in graphic novels for both young adult and elementary/middle grade audiences.

Panel Organizer: Liz Jones, Liz Jones Books

Panelists (Round I Judges):
Alyssa Feller, The Shady Glade
Maggi Idzikowski, Mama Librarian
Liz Jones (see panel organizer)
Nicola Manning, Back to Books
Kim Rapier, Si, se puede! Yes we can
Gina Ruiz, AmoXcalli
Alysa Stewart, Everead

Judges (Round II):
Walter Biggins, The Quiet Bubble
Justin Colussy-Estes, Guys Lit Wire
Sarah Sammis, Puss Reboots
Sarah Stevenson, Finding Wonderland
Casey Titschinger, Bookworm 4 Life

So there you have it. I'll be doing the nominations for Graphic Novels again this year. This is the third year I've been on this panel, since last year I did Fantasy/Sci Fi. When I found out I was actually a little depressed, since I really enjoyed the fantasy panel last year and I was getting a little tired of graphic novels (hence why I jumped last year). I've also really been out of the loop about current GNs this year, since I've spent most of my reading of those types of books in previously released series.

But now I'm adjusted to the idea. In fact, I'm super excited to be on a panel at all come to think of it. Competition has been getting very fierce this year! I'll miss my Fantasy comrades (if they make the panel again) but I'm working with some great people this year too. I've had the pleasure of working with Gina from my first two years doing GNs on the Cybils, and I know Kim from my work over at YABC. The rest of the people I don't know, but I'm sure we'll be good friends by the time December is over. I do notice there are two Alyssa's (the other one is Alysa) on the panel though. That's going to be confusing. :-)

So keep you eye on the Cybils blog to see the rest of the panels. We're the second to be announced, since Easy Readers was posted earlier this week. And nominations open Oct. 1st! I'll post more info about that then.


  1. Great panel! And I think graphic novels need more recognition.

  2. Yay! I'm actually doing nonfiction picture books, round II. They haven't announced it yet, but I was approached about it even though I hadn't put it on my desired panel list. I'm excited to be doing something though for the Cybils!

  3. Congrats! This looks like a great group.


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