
Monday, September 21, 2009

Slight Diversion

So this isn't really book-related, but I just found this out and I had to share. My new favorite TV has it's season premiere tonight! Yay! So at 10:00 tonight I will be watching Castle on ABC.

And for those of you who don't know about Castle yet, it's about a mystery writer named Richard Castle who ends up working with the NYPD to solve cases as he does "research" for his next book. The main character Nikki Heat is going to be based off of Castle's new (reluctant) "partner" Detective Kate Becket. Okay, so I really suck at describing things. Here, look at the trailer instead:

Castle is one of the funniest detective shows I've ever watched, and is right up there with Psych and Burn Notice in my favorite TV shows. Oh, and The Closer. And NCIS, which starts tomorrow (joy!).

Anyway, give it a try. You might just like it.


  1. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Castle, Psych, and NCIS are also in my favorites, although I like all the shows you listed. This is going to be a busy week!

  2. Castle is one of my favorite shows! It's got great comedic elements threaded through some wonderful dramatic points. I saw the first half of the premier last night and have the remaining on my Tivo for tonight! Hope you enjoyed it :)

  3. Haven't seen Castle, but I love Psych, Burn Notice, and NCIS. :)

  4. Í havent seen this show yet, but it sounds great.

  5. I love Castle!

  6. I love all of those shows! If you like them you should try Bones :)

  7. I have not tuned in to Castle but I've caught a few episodes of NCIS every now and then.


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