
Friday, September 04, 2009

Take a Survey, Win a Prize!

Having my 3rd blogoversary has made me reflect a lot in the past few days. I am continually looking for a way to improve this blog. So who better to ask for ideas on making The Shady Glade better than you, my readers?

So I've created this survey to help me. So if you could please take the survey, that would be wonderful. Click Here to take survey. I'll even make it worth your while. Anyone who takes the survey will be eligible to win a prize for their efforts. So this time I'm giving away a new ARC of I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure.

How to enter: All you have to do is take the survey using the link above. At the end there's a spot where you can enter your email address.

You also have an opportunity to win an extra chance at the $10 Gift Card by posting a link advertising this contest. To earn an extra entry, post a direct link to your link in the comments below. For more information on how to win the gift card, please see the post on that subject.

Rules: The contest is open until midnight PST on September 30th, 2009. This contest is open internationally! The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. Rules about claiming prizes can be found here. Questions? Post a comment or email and ask.

About the Book (from "The New York Times bestseller NOT QUITE WHAT I WAS PLANNING made six-word memoirs an international phenomenon, as people around the world embraced this pithy new format. The editors of the collection found that some of the most poignant entries were coming from teens-and so this newest collection is entirely by and for those smart, sassy, and angst-filled truth tellers. From navigating the hazardous halls of high school, to dealing with extreme situations at home, these writers may be young, but their stories will resonate with people of all ages. A few sample memoirs: I live bigger than your labels. Aspiration: Colonize Mars. You're not invited. Fifteen and my mom has cancer.Homecoming king with a septum ring. Friend. Boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. Friend. Friend's Boyfriend."

I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure is also now available for order through


  1. I'd love to enter this contest!
    Post about this in my sidebar

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Just took the survey. Great idea!


  3. Linked this contest at:

    I also commented this on the amazon gc giveaway post... I'm sorry if that's not where I should've posted! :(

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  4. Just took your survey! That was quick :)

  5. great.. i have take de survey... and i have post about it

  6. I took the survey. I'd love to win this book.


  7. I took the survey.
    I posted this on my sidebar:



I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!