
Monday, September 07, 2009

Winner of Chasing the Jaguar Take Two

Since implementing my new prize claim policy back in May, this is the first time I've had to use it. I'm sorry to say that no one has claimed the prize for this month's comment contest. This month's winner is about to recieve a brand new hardback copy of Chasing the Jaguar by Michele Dominguez Greene. So here's the deal. I'm about to list two winners, the original winner (posted last week) and the new winner (posted today). The first person to email me with their address and claim the prize gets the book. The other person will be given one extra entry to the contest of thier choice if they email after the first person has claimed the book. Okay, so here's our two winners:

Vanessa Book ♥ Soulmates (original winner)
Ladybug (new winner)

Congrats both of you! Now one of you hurry and claim your prize. You have one week to email me with your mailing address or I'll pick a third winner. Remember, first one to email gets the prize. For those of you who still didn't win, you can always buy your own copy of Chasing the Jaguar from


  1. Oh, great with some excitement on a Tuesday morning :)! I have sent you an email.

  2. Congrats to the lucky contest winner!


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