
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Author Scavenger Hunt Contest

Here's the contest I promised yesterday. This one's going to be a little more difficult to enter. :) It's a scavenger hunt!

So just how much do you remember from the author interviews and guest posts from the blogoversary? I've assembled a question for every author featured last month. You should be able to find the answers to each one of these, as long as you pay attention.

How to Enter: Answer as many of the questions as you can. Then email me with your answers, name, email, and mailing address. Every right answer you get = 1 entry, so you should get as many right as you can! Need some hints? Here's a list of all the authors featured last month and links to their posts.

Prizes: Winners will get a chance at these three books.

A hardback copy of Likely Story (Book 1) by David Van Etten, a paperback copy of Beware, Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer, and an ARC of House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones

Whether or not there are split up or won as a group depends on the number of entries received. I may also add additional prizes if I get lots of entries. So go enter!

Misc. Rules: Books must be purchased between September 1st and the end of the contest. Open internationally! You can get one entry for each book you buy. Contest is open until October 31st at midnight. Winners will be randomly selected from the entries.

+1 for every correct answer
+1 for posting this link on your blog/website (leave a link here)
+1 for telling me who referred you
+2 for every person who says you referred them

And here's the questions:
1. Who wrote her lastest book as a love letter?
2. Who's book is now being published in Spanish?
3. Who's first book started on the NYT besteller list?
4. Who did an author film at Belvedere Castle in the middle of winter?
5. Who lived in Germany for several years?
6. Who has overcome dyslexia to become a writer?
7. Who worked as an actress before becoming a writer?
8. Who's book got a thumbs up from Boba Fett?
9. Who was the author featured in my first book blog tour?
10. Who has three Burmese cats?
11. Who quit her job at IHOP after one shift?
12. Who was stopped at airport security about a doorknob she was carrying in her purse?
13. Who has two sisters who are painters?
14. Who had previously made an appearance at The Shady Glade before September?
15. Who's favorite Shakespeare play is Much Ado About Nothing?
16. Who has a "teddy bear cat"?
17. Who called Edward Cullen to celebrate the release of one of her books?
18. Who's favorite word is "bizarre"?
19. Who has the same favorite princess as I do?
20. Who attended the premiere of the movie Serenity?
21. Who likes writing about bad girls?
22. Who battled swine flu in order to participate in the blogoversary?
23. Who currently has two tiaras sitting on her writing desk?
24. Who adopted a bunny after babysitting the class pet?
25. Who is currently planning a wedding for her characters?

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