
Monday, October 12, 2009

Contest Roundup: October 12

Haven't done one of these in awhile, but I had some extra free time today, so yay! Here's some contests going around the blogosphere:

First of all, have you entered my Cybils contest yet? This one ends on Thursday, so you need to hurry. All you have to do is nominate an eligible title for the Cybils to win a three pack of books including Must Love Black by Kelly McClymer and Switch by Carol Snow. If you need ideas for things to nominate, check out my What's Missing post for ideas, including some for graphic novels, which will get you an extra 3 entries in the contest. +1 for every nomination you made, +3 for nominating a graphic novel. And check out the other contests in my sidebar for some more winning chances from The Shady Glade.

Moving on to other blogs, Bibliophile Support Group is having a contest to celebrate the upcoming Cirque du Freak movie coming out on October 23rd. Head over there for two chances to win a themed prize pack. Ends Oct 28th.

As some of you may know, the highly anticipated Ice by Sarah Beth Durst was released last week. And to celebrate there is plenty of contest love going around. You can currently win your own copy from Squeaky Books (ends Oct 15th), Fantastic Book Review (ends Oct 22nd), and The Book Butterfly (ends Oct 20th). This is an amazing book, so don't miss out on it!

Fantastic Book Review also has a contest going on for a copy of Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle. If you missed out on my own Marissa Doyle contest last month, this could be your chance to win! Ends Oct 15th, so hurry!

The Story Siren is celebrating over 800 followers (can you believe it?) with a contest. She's giving away a three pack of books, open internationally. Ends October 13th (tomorrow!) at midnight, so hurry and enter!

Have you read the Blue Bloods series yet? If not, here's your chance to get all four books in the series, which have been signed by the author. Head over to the post to enter by the deadline On October 23rd.

Kate at The Neverending Shelf is having a huge Trick or Treat contest filled with all sorts of Halloween goodies and books. Head over to her blog to enter by October 30th. Winners will be announced on Halloween.

Reverie Book Reviews is having her blogoversary and b-day this month, and she's having a huge contest to celebrate. There will be three winners who will each have several choices from a pot of books including Once Dead, Twice Shy, Catching Fire, Shiver, Prophecy of the Sisters, I could go on and on and on. But instead, head over to her post to enter. Ends Oct 21st.

I was a Teenage Book Geek is having a contest to give away a copy of Incarceron by Catherine Fisher. This won't be available in the US until next year, so go enter by Oct 17th.

Here's a book that I was skeptical about at first, but it's been getting some good reviews. Time to add it to the TBR pile! You can now win at copy of Soulless at Fantastic Book Review if you enter by Oct 16th.

That's it for now folks! Make sure you check the sidebar and I'll be back for another roundup next week.


  1. Thanks for the contest roundup! Discovered Squeaky Books through this :)

  2. Oh wow thanks. I didn't know about half of those contests. =]

  3. Thanks, I entered the Incarceron contest

  4. I love when you do these! I've found a lot of good contests this way. Thanks!!


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