
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Did you watch?

Okay, so I know from a previous post that there are a few Castle fans out there who read this blog. So did you watch last night? If you didn't, you absolutely can't miss this episode. You can see it again (or for the first time) at ABC's website. And if you haven't seen it before, then this is a good chance to get addicted to the show. :)

My fever spiked right around 9:00, but I dragged myself downstairs to lounge on the couch to watch anyway. And I wasn't disappointed. I won't give anything away, but this episode was absolutely perfect for Halloween. Those of you who are a fan of Nathan Fillion (the guy who plays Castle) from his Firefly days, pay close attention to the first few minutes of the episode.


  1. I thought it was a great episode!

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I laughed SO hard when he came out in his "space cowboy" costume. And then Alexis was all "it's been five years, you need to let it go." LOL! I freaking love Nathan Fillion and everything he's ever done!

  3. That was totally my favorite part! As soon as I saw him twirling those guns it was a major squee moment. :)

  4. Is the show really that good. I've never watched Castle before so might check it out online.

  5. I loved this episode!! Castle is hilarious, just his facial expressions alone sometimes...

  6. Geesh you should have been here! My husband was laughing at me so hard! I was such a fangirl during that episode!


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