
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hurry, hurry!

Have you gotten in your nomination for the Cybils yet? I know, I know, I'm beating this topic over the head, but today is you absolute, no more chances, last minute chance to nominate those books you've read from the last year and think deserve and award. Nominations are offically over at midnight tonight. That's when the lists are offically set in stone (metaphorically speaking). Done. Kaput. All over.

This is my fourth year on the Cybils, and I KNOW the book blogging community has exploded in the past year, so I want to see you participate. That's right. YOU! Part of the consideration for the award is kid/teen appeal, and how do we know what you like if you don't speak up?

I'd especially like to see more participation in the graphic novels category. It seems like every year there are lots of graphic novels, but the manga ones kind of get skipped over. Maybe it's just me, but these are the most popular GNs in my hometown. So for those of you who read manga, let you voice be heard! And if you don't, let your voice be heard too.

And I'll even give you a prize for it too.

Happy nominating!

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