
Sunday, October 18, 2009

If You've Been Nervous About the New FTC Thing...

Which you really should be, especially with all the stuff that's been thrown around about it. Anyway, either way, you should check out this excellent post from Charlotte's Library.

Charlotte was lucky enough to attend the Kidlitcon this year, and last minute they lined up an FTC rep to come and talk to all us nervous bloggers. Charlotte gives a nice summary of what went on during the discussion.

My mind is much more at ease now, but I think I will still keep an eye on this to see how it develops in the future.


  1. Thanks for the link! This put me at ease. :)

  2. Thanks for the linked post. This is an important clarification for all of us!

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I don't mind whether you get a commission when I order off your Amazon link. I enjoy supporting someone who is spending the time and energy to review books. I say leave the bloggers alone!.

  4. Truly there was a collective sigh of relief from all of us there!

  5. I'm quite fortunate that I'm from the UK so this doesn't affect me. ALthough it doesn't sound as if it will be too troublesome for bloggers. But I just think it's as if there is a level of distrust. I trust bloggers to review honestly and say what they feel. I know some people are less critical (such as me) but will still be honest.


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