
Thursday, October 01, 2009

So what did you think?

Phew! After a full month of hard work, it's hard to believe that the blogoversary is over. So looking back I'd appreciate a moment of reflection. What did you think? Did you like it? What suggestions do you have for next time?

One reason I ask is because if you enjoyed the interviews I'm thinking about making an author interview or guest post a regular feature. This means I'd like to post at least one a month, every month. Of course, that depends on how many authors I can get in contact with, but you get the idea.

You may notice that I've put up two new polls in the right sidebar. One about the blogoversary itself, and one about the new feature. If you subscribe, you'll need to click over to vote.

Of course, I always love to hear your ideas in the comments too. Polls are great, but I love to hear from you guys too. So let me know, because I really want to know what you think!


  1. I definitely enjoyed your blogoversary, though I don't know where you found the time. :) If you have any more lying around (time, that is), feel free to send it my way. My favorite bits were the author guest posts and interviews, though they did get a bit crowded at the end. I'd love to see a feature once a month, too. Really, great job!

  2. You did an amazing job!! I don't how you did it all but it was a great celebration. I didn't get here as much as I wanted to and didn't comment as much as I wanted to but I was still reading your posts. I loved the Book Cover and First Line contests. They were so fun! I hope you're going to post the correct answers eventually.

    This was such an enjoyable month and I hope you had a good time too. Thanks for all of your hard work! :)

  3. Celi.a, as far as when I found time, I don't know if you remember, but I didn't blog for like half of August. That's when I was working on everything. :-)

    That and lots and lots and lots of late nights after work was over.

  4. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Hi :)
    I like you site a lot.
    You did a great job on the blog anniversary.
    All the best,


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!