
Monday, November 30, 2009

Contest Roundup: 11.30.09

The only contest running here right now is the Design a Button contest. I think I'll keep this one open through the middle of December, so if you want to win a book of your choice and haven't entered yet, now is your chance!

Also, as a reminder there will not be a Contest Monday for the month of December in lieu of a whole bunch of other contests. What, you ask? Well, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out...

But on to other things. Let's see what kind of contests are going on that I can tell you about! Don't forget to always check the right sidebar for previously featured contests that are still open to enter.

The 12 Blogs of Christmas
First of all, I want to tell you about a series of contests that will be coming up in the future. The fabulous Ellz Reads is hosting something she calls the 12 blogs of Christmas. Starting December 12th one blog a day will be hosting a fabulous holiday giveaway. There's some great blogs on this list including yours truly. ;-) I'll post the schedule in the sidebar as it gets closer, but for now you can get all the details over at the event blog. Stay tuned for tons of chances to win!

Carrie's YA Bookshelf is giving you a chance to win three books including The Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima. Enter to win at her blog by December 18th.

Lost in a Book is having a special Christmas Box Giveaway including all sorts of books and ARC goodies. You can win a copy of Nobody's Princess and all sorts of other neat books. Ends December 10th.

Tirzah at The Compulsive Reader is also hosting a Christmas Cheer giveaway. Enter her contest for a chance to win 8 books including Numbers, which is the book I have my eye on. Ends December 21st.

Jennifer at Extreme Reader Book Reviews is also getting into the holiday spirit with a giveaway that has two winners and two prize packs. One of them is for the Pretty Little Liars books and the other is for the Blood Coven books. Ends December 19th.

The Book Resort has a great interview with Julie Kagawa up. And it includes a chance to win a copy of her new book The Iron King. Don't you just love the cover of this one? Ends December 31st.

Celi.a is hosting a contest I love called the Everything Austen Giveaway. You know this one is right up my alley. She's got all sorts of Austen-inspired prizes, so make sure you check this out if you're a Janeite. Ends December 8th.

And that's it for this time around. If you're hungry for more, make sure you check back here tomorrow. There's going to be a lot going on here at The Shady Glade in the next few days...


  1. Wow, I never realized so many blogs held contests! Thank you for this contest collection. :-)

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    This might be off topic but I wanted to let you know that I like the cybil nominee widget. I've checked out a few of the books. Also, if I click on the amazon link in the cybil widget will The Shady Glade still get the credit?

  3. Yes, the widget has my associate ID in it, so it's the same as clicking on any other Amazon link here.

    Glad you like it!

  4. A lot of blogs are doing some great Chirstmas contests. I just entered a couple that you posted.

  5. Thanks for the headsup! It's nice to see what other contests are going on around the blogosphere.


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