
Friday, November 06, 2009

Some Updates and Holiday Cheer

Hey, sorry I've been a little absent this past week. As I mentioned on Monday, I did get over my cold, but my Mom caught it, so I've been playing nurse the past few days. Not to mention I've been spending a lot of time planning a certain upcoming event in December... but you'll have to wait to learn more about that.

And although you have to wait for that, there's another big announcement coming up next week that will be posted on Tuesday. So if you're not a subscriber, you'll want to come back for that. Also, a new contest will be posted Monday, so keep your eye open for that as well.

Tomorrow will be another Fall Into Reading Update. Despite my best intentions, I have not been doing those weekly as I planned. I blame it on the Cybils reading. And speaking of which, my posting may become more and more spotty as we get closer to December. Some people blog about their reading as they go, but I find I'm more the kind of person who blogs after the whole thing is over. During I just focus on reading. :)

For those who can't wait until December, here's a quick notice for you before you go. Some of you may have heard about this already, but there are two book swaps going on for bloggers during the holidays.

First off is the Book Bloggers Holiday Swap. I participated in this one last year and it was lots of fun. So of course I'm doing it again this year too. Deadline to sign up for this one is November 12th. Head over to the website to check out all the details, FAQs, and of course to sign up!

The next swap is a Secret Santa swap brought to you courtsey of Kate at The Neverending Shelf. Deadline to sign up for this one is November 15th. You can sign up for this one even if you're not a blogger. I also signed up for this one, so I may get one of you as my partner. That is, if you sign up too...

Anyway, that's it for me right now. Going to go check on mom.


  1. Sorry to hear you were sick! Thanks for the links to the swaps!

  2. I might just sign up for one.


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